The Super Decisions is decision support software that implements the AHP and ANP.
The Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP) and the Analytic Network Process (ANP) make it possible to include intangibles in decision making.
AHP/ANP are the most powerful synthesis methodologies for combining judgment and data to effectively rank options and predict outcomes.
More than 400 papers, books, videos and software tools already added
New tabs for Societies, Papers, Books, Journals, and Resources have been added to the Creative Decisions website is decision making software based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Analytic Network Process (ANP). Decision making is all about setting priorities and the AHP and ANP, award-winning decision processes are the way to do that.
The SuperDecisions software is developed with the support of Creative Decisions Foundation, and the contributions of AHP and ANP practitioners like you.
To obtain the software you need to register, then go to the "Downloads" section, choose from the left hand menu the version and operating system and click download, by doing that you indicate your agreement to abide by the software's license. We would appreciate it if you would get back to us with any questions or bugs you encounter . You may use Bugs&Support section to submit a bug
The Analytic Network Process (ANP) is the most comprehensive framework for the analysis of societal, governmental and corporate decisions that is available today to the decision-maker.